E-ARK Software – py-e-ark-ip-validator

Core package and command line utility for E-ARK Information Package validation.

The validation core component implements validation rules defined by E-ARK specifications which can be found on the website of the Digital Information LifeCycle Interoperability Standards Board (DILCIS Board):


The archival information package must follow the structure and comply with metadata requirements defined by the E-ARK specification for information packages which is illustrated below.

| Information package {Persistent Unique Identifier}    |
| - metadata/                                           | <--- Descriptive metadata
|     - EAD.xml                                         |
| - representations/                                    | <--- Representations
|     - text_representation/                            | 
|         - data/                                       |
|             - file1.txt                               |
|             - file2.txt                               |
|         - metadata/                                   |
|         - documentation/                              |
|     - csv_representation/                             | 
|         - data/                                       |
|             - file1.csv                               |
|             - file2.csv                               |
|         - metadata/                                   |
|         - documentation/                              |
| - schemas/                                            | <--- Schema files for validation
|     - IP_CS_mets.xsd                                  |
|     - premis-v2-2.xsd                                 |
|     - xlink.xsd                                       |
| - METS.xml                                            | <--- Root METS file (structural metadata)
 You can find the latest source code of py-e-ark-ip-validator on GitHub at: https://github.com/E-ARK-Software/py-eark-ip-validator/